Activities of Members

Specially Appointed Professor, Kokichi SUGIHARA on TV program “Gyourestu no Dekiru Houritsu Soudansho (行列のできる法律相談所)” of Nippon Television Network (on 12th April)


A Specially Appointed Professor of Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University, Kokichi SUGIHARA appears on TV program “Gyourestu no Dekiru Houritsu Soudansho(行列のできる法律相談所)” of Nippon Television Network.

Details of the program are as follows.

Date: Sunday, 12th April 2009
Time: 21:00 - 22:54
Program Name: “Gyourestu no Dekiru Houritsu Soudansho (行列のできる法律相談所)” of Nippon Television Network.
The program will introduce his research work, “Three-dimentional objects generated from Anomalous Pictures”.

Profile of Kokichi SUGIHARA:
Doctor of Engineering in Mathematical Engineering, the University of Tokyo.
Experienced as a researcher in Electrotechnical Laboratory (Tsukuba), an associate professor in Nagoya University, etc.
Since 2009, he has been Specially Appointed Professor of Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, and Deputy Director of Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), Meiji University.
His main research theme is geometric and mathematical engineering.
He found the possibility to form solid objects from “Impossible Pictures” while inventing computer systems to comprehend the pictures and drawings. Since then, he has been involved with such three-dimensional objects.

Please visit the following NTV’s websites for further details. (Japanese) (English)

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