At “The 50th Science and Technology Film/Video Festival”, Kokichi SUGIHARA, Professor of Meiji University, is awarded a prize for Popular Science Field in his work, “だまし絵立体 新しい立体錯視の発見 (Solid of Impossible Pictures – Discovery of New Three-dimensional Optical Illusions)”.
Professor SUGIHARA, who belongs to Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University, discovered the method to form “Impossible Pictures” to three-dimensional objects. In the past, such pictures or drawings had been regarded as two-dimensional objects. Furthermore, it had been considered that forming such “Impossible Pictures” into solid without using any tricks like cutting and/or bending materials had been quite literally “impossible”. However, this latest method provided by him beyond people’s perception brings the possibility in playing equipments, monuments, architectures, spatial arts etc.
The work, which is selected as the one of outstanding films/videos for Popular Science Field at “ The 50th Science and Technology Film/Video Festival”, is a part of his research work “超ロバスト計算パラダイム(Superrobust computation paradigm)” from 2003 to 2007 supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) of JSPS. In order to promote his work in easier way, the video “だまし絵立体 新しい立体錯視の発見(Solid of Impossible Pictures – Discovery of New Three-dimensional Optical Illusions)” was created.
“Science and Technology Film/Video Festival”, which is the 50th in 2009, is organized by Japan Science Foundation, and the ceremony will be held at Science Hall of Science Museum on 17th April.
At Meiji University, the previous award-winning films/videos of the festival are shown during “Science and Technology Week” (13th-19th April). The exhibition of the topics for the past 50 years and the pictures with a “Beauty” theme which are related to Science and Technology is also held there during the week.