Activities of Members

Professor Masao MUKAIDONO is on TV, NHK “News Watch 9 (ニュースウォッチ9)” and NTV “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo (世界一受けたい授業)”.


MIMS Fellow, Masao MUKAIDONO, the faculty of School of Science and Technology,appears on the TV programs “News Watch 9”(NHK) and “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo (世界一受けたい授業)”(NTV). You can have the opportunity to know his research in more detail through the TV programs.

Date: Thursday, 15th July 2010
Time: from 21:00
Program Name: NKH “News Watch 9 (ニュースウォッチ9)”
Program Content: Professor MUKAIDONO will provide some comments about risk assessments from the perception of Safety Sciences.
Program's HP:

Date: Saturday, 31st July 2010  (The date is changed)
Time: from 19:56
Program Name: NTV “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo (世界一受けたい授業)”
Program Content: In this program, he will give a lecture about “Home Safety Sciences” to the panelists and audiences.
Program's HP:

 - Profiles of Professor Masao MUKAIDONO:
 - School of Science and Technology, Meiji University:

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