Activities of Members

MIMS Fellow, Toshikazu SUNADA organized "Analysis on Graphs and Its Applications Fellow-up Meeting" in Newton Institute.

In 2007, we organized a special project “Analysis on Graphs and Its Applications” at Issac Newton Institute (INI), Cambridge, UK. The programme concentrated on three major intertwined areas: Analysis on Discrete Graphs (also called Discrete Geometric Analysis), Analysis on Fractals and Analysis on Quantum Graphs. Applications to various areas of mathematics, sciences, and engineering (specifically, to chemistry, optics, nano-technology, material science, waveguide theory, etc.) were also thoroughly discussed. The organizers were B.M. Brown (Cardiff), P. Exner (Czech Academy of Sciences), P. Kuchment (Texas A&M) and T. Sunada (Meiji).

Since then, many advances in these areas have occurred. Thus we decided to hold a follow-up meeting at INI for the period 25th-30th in July 2010 which covers the recent major progress in analysis on graphs. MIMS (together with the Global COE project) gave finacial support to invite 4 keynote speakers and also to hold a conference dinner.

The workshop assembled a diverse group of mathematicians and physicists working or interested in furthering the progress of this fast developing and fascinating inter-disciplinary area. The number of participants was about 70.

Keynote speakers:

Brian Davies (Kings College London)
Daniel Grieser (Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg)
Graeme Milton (University of Utah)
Uzy Smilansky (Weizmann Institute of Science)

to see the details of the meeting.

Workshop Photos

conference scene
dinner scene1
Conference dinner 1
dinner scene2
Conference dinner 2
Brian Davies
B. Davies
Daniel Grieser(left) and Uzy Smilansky(right)
D. Grieser(left) and U. Smilansky(right)
Graeme Milton
G. Milton
organizers (T. Sunada, M. Brown, P. Exner)
(T. Sunada, P. Exner, M. Brown)

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