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Yoko Tanokura (MIMS fellow) performed the 90-minute keynote speech at "2019 STUST International Conference on Finance, Accounting and Management Decisions"

 Yoko Tanokura (MIMS fellow) performed the 90-minute keynote speech and served as the chair parson of the English Session E1 at "2019 STUST International Conference on Finance, Accounting and Management Decisions" held on May 17, 2019, hosted by Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Taiwan.

2019 STUST Finance Conference

Date: Friday, May 17, 2019
Venue: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Keynote speech
Subject: “Statistical Modeling of Financial Markets”

Keynote speaker: Professor Yoko TANOKURA, Meiji University, Japan

Conference site: https://sites.google.com/stust.edu.tw/2019finance/home

(C) Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology  


The conference news in the web of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology:   https://news.stust.edu.tw/pid/3588

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