What’s New

2022 «  2023 » 2024
Decmber 14, 2023
[School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences] Professor MIYASHITA Homei won the Best Presentation Award (General) at WISS 2023
December 13, 2023
22th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "Traveling singularities in the fast diffusion equation" YANAGIDA Eiji (The University of Tokyo /Meiji University) * Hybrid Webinar: Registration is required for online participants. (12/18, 2023)
November 20, 2023
20th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "Shock waves, propagating interfaces, and gravitational singularities" Philippe G. LeFloch (Sorbonne university and CNRS) * Hybrid Webinar: Registration is required for online participants. (11/27, 2023)
November 17, 2023
Cafe Seminar, "Across the North Pacific, dietary-induced stress of breeding rhinoceros auklets increases with high summer Pacific Decadal Oscillation index" Speaker: SHIMABUKURO, Ui (Meiji University) (11/29, 2023)
November 10, 2023
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Topology and Its Applications, "A mathematical approach to mechanical properties of dynamic networks in thermoplastic elastomers" Naoki Sakata (Ochanomizu University) *Online: Zoom Webinar (12/14, 2023)
November 8, 2023
2023 MIMS Mimura Award ceremony and lectures (in Japanese), Award winners: HIRAOKA Yasuaki (Kyoto University) and SASADA Makiko (The University of Tokyo)(12/23, 2023)
October 17, 2023
ICMMA 2023: The deadline for registration and submitting the poster session has been extended until the 23rd of October. "International Conference on Reaction-diffusion systems: from the past to the future" — in memory of Prof.Masayasu Mimura — (10/31-11/2, 2023)
October 11, 2023
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Topology and Its Applications, "Plato's cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation" Gabor Domokos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) *Online: Zoom Webinar (11/9, 2023)
October 10, 2023
Cafe Seminar, "Characteristic motion of deformable Belousov-Zhabotinsky droplets" Speaker: KUZE, Masakazu (Meiji University) (10/25, 2023)
October 3, 2023
[Program] ICMMA 2023: International Conference on "Reaction-diffusion systems: from the past to the future" — in memory of Prof.Masayasu Mimura — The program is released (10/31-11/2, 2023)
September 15, 2023
MIMS Fellow, Professor MIYASHITA Homei and his co-researchers recieved the Ig Nobel Prize in Nutrition
September 13, 2023
The MIYASHITA Homei laboratory in the School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences at Meiji University announces the TTTV3, a seasoning device that uses AI to estimate tastes and reproduce differences in production areas
September 12, 2023
[Registration starts] ICMMA 2023: International Conference on "Reaction-diffusion systems: from the past to the future" — in memory of Prof.Masayasu Mimura — (10/31-11/2, 2023)
September 4, 2023
Optical illusion art works by Dr. SUGIHARA Koukichi was selected for the sculpture section of the 107th Nika Art Exhibition
July 28, 2023
The coauthored article “Phenotypic features of dystrophin gene knockout pigs harboring a human artificial chromosome containing the entire dystrophin (DMD) gene” by a research group of Dr. WATANABE Masahito at the researcher of Meiji University International Institute for Bio-Resource Research and Prof. NAGASHIMA Hiroshi at the School of Agriculture; Director of Meiji University International Institute for Bio-Resource Research was published on “Molcular Therapy-Nucleic Acids”
July 26, 2023
Closed:Banquet, Poster Presentation (Now accepting registration for the symposium)
PFN 2023 | 6th Yamada Symposium on "Diversity of Biological Patterns and Forms in Nature: toward a Comprehensive Understanding" (8/1-3, 2023)
July 25, 2023
19th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "Epidemic with age of infection and the return-to-home model" Pierre Magal (University of Bordeaux) * Hybrid Webinar: Online participation for external participants (7/27, 2023)
July 12, 2023
Cafe Seminar, "Interface motion of Allen-Cahn equation with Nonlinear diffusivity" Speaker: PARK, Hyunjoon (Meiji University)(7/26, 2023)
June 28, 2023
18th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "New trends in Lotka-Volterra diffusive competition" Julian López-Gómez (Complutense University of Madrid) * Hybrid Webinar: Online participation for external participants (7/18, 2023)
June 26, 2023
Registration for participation and Poster Presentation starts.
PFN 2023 | 6th Yamada Symposium on "Diversity of Biological Patterns and Forms in Nature: toward a Comprehensive Understanding" (8/1-3, 2023)
June 20, 2023
"Complex motile matter - from single agents to collective behaviors" The Collaborative research symposium, Center for Mathematical Modeling and Applications, Joint Usage / Research Center (7/21-22, 2023)
June 19, 2023
The article “Long days restore regular estrous cyclicity in mice lacking circadian rhythms” by Prof. NAKAMURA group at the School of Agriculture was published on “Heliyon”.
June 7, 2023
Cafe Seminar,"The Introduction of Origami Engineering" Speaker: ABE Aya (Meiji University)(6/21, 2023)
May 30, 2023
The coauthored article “Scleraxis-lineage cells are required for correct muscle patterning” by Associate Prof. INUI group at the School of Agriculture was published on “Development”.
May 18, 2023
Cafe Seminar,"A free boundary problem for a curve shortening flow with driving force" Speaker: MORI Ryunosuke (Meiji University)(5/31, 2023)
April 19, 2023
PFN 2023 | 6th Yamada Symposium on "Diversity of Biological Patterns and Forms in Nature: toward a Comprehensive Understanding"  The web page for the Symposium (FPN2023) is now available. (8/1-3, 2023)
March 14, 2023
16th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "Prosocial and selfish institutions can both foster cooperation by wealth redistribution" Hiroaki OKABE (The University of Pennsylvania, AMCS) * Online: Webinar (3/17, 2023)
March 14, 2023
[Agreement] Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences (AMS) and Penn-CMB, The University of Pennsylvania concluded agreement to academic research.
March 2, 2023
14th Meiji Non-linear mathematical seminar "Retrospect of France-Japan collaborations, and recent research developments" Danielle Hilhorst (CRNS emeritus / Paris Saclay), 15th SminarAdaptation in a heterogeneous environment: "To be three or not to be" Matthieu Alfaro (University of Rouen) * Online: Webinar (3/6, 2023)
February 27, 2023
Agreement of Cooperation between MIMS, AMS & Penn-CMB:UPenn-Meiji Special Lectures. Speakers: Prof. Joshua B. Plotkin (The University of Pennsylvania), Prof. Yoichiro Mori (The University of Pennsylvania)* Online: Webinar (3/14, 2023)

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2023 » 2024

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