三 村 昌 泰  論文・出版物

論文・出版物 Index

論 文

2011 -

" A reaction-diffusion system and its shadow system describing harmful algal blooms"
S. Kondo and M. Mimura, to appear in Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

" A reaction-diffusion model for understanding phyllotactic formation"
Y. Tanaka, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, to appear in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

" Two-dimensional traveling waves arising from planar front interaction in a three-species competition-diffusion system"
L. Contento, M. Mimura and M. Tohma, to appear in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

" Homogenization and fingering instability of a microgravity smoldering combustion problem with radiative heat transfer"
E. R. Ijioma, H. Izuhara, M. Mimura and T. Ogawa, to appear in Combustion and Flame

" Computational Study of Nonadiabatic Wave Patterns in Smouldering, Combustion under Microgravity"
R.ljioma, H.Izuhara, M. Mimura and T. Ogawa, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 5, 138-149 (2015)

" Avoiding toxic prey may promote harmful algal blooms"
T. Scotti, M. Mimura and Y. Wakano, Ecological Complexity, 21, 157-165 (2015)

" Traveling wave solutions of a parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth"
M. Bertsch, D. Hilhorst, H. Izuhara, M. Mimura and T. Wakasa, Euro, J. Appl. Math., 26, 297-323 (2015)

" Dynamic coexistence in a three-species competition-diffusion system"
M. Mimura and M. Tohma, Ecological Complexity, 21, 215-232 (2015)

" Spatio-temporal oscillations in the Keller-Segel system with logistic growth"
S.-I. Ei, H. Izuhara and M. Mimura, Physica D, 277, 1-21 (2014)

" Modeling contact inhibition of growth: Traveling waves"
M. Bertsch, M. Mimura and T. Wakasa, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 8, 131-147 (2013)

" Semi-exact equilibrium solutions for three-species competition-diffusion systems"
C.-C. Chen, L.-C. Hung, M. Mimura, T. Tohma and D. Ueyama, Hiroshima Math. J., 43, 179-206 (2013)

"A link between microscopic and macroscopic models of self-organized aggregation"
T. Funaki, H. Izuhara, M. Mimura and C. Urabe, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 7, 705-740 (2012)

"Exact traveling wave solutions of three species competition-diffusion systems"
C.-C. Chen, L.-C. Hung, D. Ueyama and M. Mimura, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series B,17, 2653-2669 (2012)

" Infinite dimensional relaxation oscillation in aggregation-growth systems"
S.-I. Ei, H. Izuhara and M. Mimura, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series B,17, 1859-1887 (2012)

" Singular limit of a competition-diffusion system with large interspecific interaction"
D. Hilhorst, S. Martin and M. Mimura, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 390, 488-513 (2012)

"A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic system for contact inhibition of cell-growth"
M. Bertsch, D. Hilhorst, H. Izuhara and M. Mimura, Diff. Eqs. Appl., 4, 137-157 (2012)

"Traveling wave solutions of a 3-component reaction-diffusion model in smoldering combustion"
K. Ikeda and M. Mimura, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 11, 275-305 (2012)

"Effective dispersal rate is a function of habitat size and corridor shape: mechanistic formulation of a two-patch compartment model for spatially continuous systems"
J. Y. Wakano, K. Ikeda, T. Miki and M. Mimura, Oikos, 120, 1712-1720(2011)

"A reaction-diffusion approximation to an area preserving mean curvature flow coupled with a bulk equation"
M. Henry, D. Hilhorst and M. Mimura, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 4 no.1, 125-154 (2011)

"The impact of Allee effect on a predator-prey system with Holling type II functional response "
J. Zu and M. Mimura, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 3542-3556 (2011)

"Adaptive evolution of foraging-related traits in a predator–prey community"
J. Zu, M. Mimura and Y. Takeuchi, J. Theor. Biol., 268, 14-29 (2011)

"A reaction-diffusion approximation to an area preserving mean curvature flow coupled with a bulk equation"
M. Henry, D. Hilhorst and M. Mimura, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 4, 125-154 (2011)

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2001 - 2010

"A model aided understanding of spot pattern formation in chemotactic E. coli colonies"
A. Aotani, M. Mimura and T. Mollee, Japan J. Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 27, 5-22 (2010)

"Modelling a slow smoldering combustion process"
A. Fasano, M. Mimura and M. Primicerio, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 33, 1211-1220 (2010)

"A free boundary problem arising in a simplified tumour growth model of contact inhibition"
M. Bertsch, R. Dal Passo and M. Mimura, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 12, 235-250 (2010)

"The evolution of phenotypic traits in a predator-prey system subject to Allee effect."
J. Zu, M. Mimura and J.Y. Wakano, J. Theor. Biol. 262, 528-543 (2010)

"Fast reaction limit of competition diffusion systems"
D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Differential Equations (eds. C. Dafermos and M. Pokorny), 5, 105-168, Elsevier (2009)

"A mathematical study of the one-dimensional Keller and Rubinow model for Liesegang bands"
D. Hilhorst, R. van der Hout, M. Mimura and I. Ohnishi, J. Stat. Phys, 135, 107-132 (2009)

"Self-motion of camphor discs: Model and Analysis"
X.-C. Chen, S.-I. Ei and M. Mimura, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 4, 1-18 (2009)

"Interface dynamics of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion"
D. Hilhorst, R. Kersner, E. Logak and M. Mimura, J. differential Equations, 244, 2870-2889 (2008)

"Reaction-diffusion system approximation to the cross-diffusion competition system"
H. Izuhara and M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J., 38, 315-347 (2008)

"Mathematical treatment of a model for smoldering combustion"
K. Ikeda and M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J, 38, 349-361 (2008)

"Synergistic effect of two inhibitors on one activator in a reaction-diffusion system"
S. Kawaguchi and M. Mimura, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 046201(1-17) (2008)

"A billiard problem in nonlinear and nonequilibrium systems"
M. Mimura, T. Miyagi and I. Ohnishi, Hiroshima Math. J., 37, 343-384 (2007)

"Global solutions to a one-dimensional nonlinear parabolic system modeling colonial formation by chemotactic bacteria"
P.P. Htoo, M. Mimura and I. Takagi, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 47, 613-622 (2007)

"Lower estimate of the attractor dimension for chemotaxis-growth system"
M. Aida, T. Tsujikawa, M. Efendiev, A. Yagi and M. Mimura, J. London Math. Soc., 74, 453-474 (2006)

"Fast reaction limits and Liesegang bands"
D. Hilhorst, R. van der Hout, M. Mimura and I. Ohnishi, Inter. Series of Numerical Math., 154, 241-250 (2006)

"Diffusion, Cross-diffusion and Competitive Interaction"
M. Iida, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, J. Math. Biol., 53, 617-641 (2006)

"Traveling front solutions in a chemotaxis-growth model"
M. Funaki, M. Mimura and A. Tsujikawa, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 8, 223-245 (2006)

"Interacting spots in reaction-diffusion systems"
S.-I. Ei, M. Mimura and M. Nagayama, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 14, 31-62 (2006)

"Chemotaxis and growth system with singular sensitivity function"
M. Aida, K. Osaki, T. Tsujikawa, A. Yagi and M. Mimura, Nonlinear Anal.: Real World Applications, 6, 323-336 (2005)

"Pattern formation in consumer-finite resource reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ., 40, 1413-1431 (2004)

"Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions."
E.C.M. Crooks, E.N. Dancer, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 5, 645-665 (2004)

"On a reaction-diffusion system for a population of hunters and Farmers"
D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and R. Weidenfeld, International Series of Numerical Math. 147, 189-196 (2003)

"Singular limit of a class of non-cooperative reaction-diffusion systems"
D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and R. Weidenfeld, Taiwanese J. Math. 7, 391-421 (2003)

"On a nonlinear diffusion system with resource-consumer interaction"
E. Feireisl, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and R. Weidenfeld, Hiroshima Math. J., 33, 253-295 (2003)

"Vanishing latent heat limit in a Stefan-like problem arising in Biology"
D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and R. Schäetzle, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 4, 261-285 (2003)

"Non-Annihilation of travelling pulses in reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, M. Nagayama and T. Ohta, Methods and Appl. of Analysis, 9, 493-516 (2002)

"Exponential attractor for a chemotaxis-growth system of equations"
K. Osaki, T. Tsujikawa, A. Yagi and M. Mimura, Nonlinear Anal., 51, 119-144 (2002)

"Pulse-pulse interaction in reaction-diffusion systems"
S.-I. Ei, M. Mimura and M. Nagayama, Physica D, 165, 176-198 (2002)

"Annihilation dynamics in the KPP-Fisher equation"
M. Rodrigo and M. Mimura, European J. Appl. Math., 13, 195-204 (2002)

"A reaction-diffusion system approximation to the two-phase Stefan problem"
D. Hilhorst, M. Iida, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, Nonlinear Analysis, 47, 801-812 (2001)

"Dynamics of patterns and interfaces in some reaction-diffusion systems from chemical and biological viewpoints"
M. Mimura, Methods and Appl. Analysis, 8, 497-510 (2001)

"Hormone-mediated patterns formation in seeding of plants: a competitive growth dynamics model"
S. Kawaguchi, M. Mimura, T. Ohya, N. Oikawa, H. Okabe and S. Kai, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 70, 3155-3160 (2001)

"A singular perturbation problem arising in Oseen's spiral flows"
H. Ikeda, M. Mimura and H. Okamoto, Japan J. Industrial and Appl. Mathematics, 18, 393-403 (2001)

"A competition-diffusion system approximation to the classical two-phase Stefan problem"
D. Hilhorst, M. Iida, M. Mimura and H. Ninomiya, Japan J. Industrial and Appl. Mathematics, 18, 161-180 (2001)

"Exact solutions of reaction-diffusion systems and nonlinear wave equations"
M. Rodrigo and M. Mimura, Japan J. Industrial and Appl. Mathematics, 18, 657-696 (2001)

"Singular limit to a chemotaxis-growth model"
A. Bonami, D. Hilhorst, E. Logak and M. Mimura, Adv. Diff. Eq., 6, 1173-1218 (2001)

"Numerical computation for some competition-diffusion systems on a parallel computer"
R. Ikota, M. Mimura and T. Nakaki, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Domain Decomposition methods "Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering" (eds. T. Chan, T. Kako, H. Kawarada and O. Pirnnouau), 373-379 (2001)

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1991 - 2000

"Hopf bifurcation of travelling pulses in some bistable reaction-diffusion systems"
T. Ikeda, H. Ikeda and M. Mimura, Methods and Appl. of Analysis, 7, 165-194 (2000)

"On some asymptotic limits of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion"
D. Hilhorst, R. Kersner, E. Logak and M. Mimura, Gakuto Int. Series, Math. Sci. Appl., 14, 163-175 (2000)

"Dynamics of travelling breathers arising in reaction-diffusion systems -ODE modelling approach-"
M. Mimura, M. Nagayama, H. Ikeda and T. Ikeda, Hiroshima Math. J., 30, 221-256 (2000)

"Reaction-diffusion modelling of bacterial colony patterns"
M. Mimura, H. Sakaguchi and M. Matsushita, Physica A, 282, 283-303 (2000)

"Hormone-dependent model on seed germination sensitive to growth stage"
S. Kawaguchi, M. Mimura, T. Ohya, H. Okabe and S. Kai, J. Phys. Jpn., 69, 1234-1244 (2000)

"Exact solutions of a competition-diffusion system"
M. Rodrigo and M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J., 30, 257-270 (2000)

"Free boundary problems arising in ecological systems"
M. Mimura Research Notes in Mathematics (eds. I. Athanasopoulos, G. Makrakis and J.F. Rodrigues), 409, 71-81, Chapman & Hall/CRC (1999)

"Formation of colony patterns by a bacterial cell population"
M. Matsushita, J. Wakita, H. Itoh, K. Watanabe, T. Arai, T. Matsuyama, H. Sakaguchi and M. Mimura Physica A, 274, 190-199 (1999)

"Segregating partition problem in competition-diffusion systems"
S.-I. Ei, R. Ikota and M. Mimura, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 1, 57-80 (1999)

"Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system"
E.N. Dancer, D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and L.A. Peletier, European J. Appl. Math., 10, 97-115 (1999)

"Collision of travelling waves in a reaction-diffusion system with global coupling effect"
S. Kawaguchi and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 59, 920-941 (1999)

"Spiral wave behaviors in an excitable reaction-diffusion system on a sphere"
H. Yagishita, M. Mimura and M. Yamada, Physica D 124 126-136 (1998)

"Singular perturbation approach to a 3-component reaction-diffusion system arising in population dynamics"
Y. Kan-on and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 29. 1519-1536 (1998)

"Interfacial growth and pattern formation in bacterial colonies"
M. Matsushita, J. Wakita, H. Itoh, I. Rafols, T. Matsuyama, H. Sakaguchi and M. Mimura, Physica A, 249, 517-524 (1998)

"Singular Hopf-bifurcation in a chemical reaction-diffusion system"
M. Mimura, M. Nagayama and K. Sakamoto, Applied Mathematics Letter, 11, 127-131 (1998)

"Non-annihilation dynamics in an exothermic reaction-diffusion system with mono-stable excitability"
M. Mimura and M. Nagayama, Journal of CHAOS, 7, 817-826 (1997)

"Collision of propagating pulses in a reaction-diffusion system"
T. Ohta, J. Kiyose and M. Mimura, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 66, 1551-1558 (1997)

"Singular perturbation problems to a combustion equation in very long cylindrical domains"
M. Mimura, K. Sakamoto and S.-I. Ei, Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 3, 75-84 (1997)

"A free boundary problem arising from combustion equations in cylindrical domains"
M. Mimura, K. Sakamoto and S.-I. Ei, Lecture Notes in Numer. Appl. Anal. 15, 123-134 (1996)

"Multi-dimensional transition layers for an exothermic reaction-diffusion system in long cylindrical domains"
M. Mimura and K. Sakamoto, J. Math. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, 3, 109-179 (1996)

"Aggregating pattern dynamics in a chemotaxis model including growth"
M. Mimura and T. Tsujikawa, Physica A, 230, 499-543 (1996)

"Breathing and wiggling motions in three-species laterally inhibitory systems"
M. Suzuki, T. Ohta, M. Mimura and H. Sakaguchi, Physcal Review E, 52, 3645-3655 (1995)

"Pattern formation in coupled reaction-diffusion systems"
T. Takaishi, M. Mimura and Y. Nishiura, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 12, 385-424 (1995)

"Pattern dynamics in an exothermic reaction"
M. Mimura, M. Nagayama and K. Sakamoto, Physica D, 84, 58-71 (1995)

"Finite-point extinction and continuity of interfaces in a nonlinear diffusion equation with strong absorption"
X.-Y. Chen, H. Matano and M. Mimura, J. Reine Angew. Math. 459, 1-36 (1995)

"Dynamics of aggregating patterns in a chemotaxis-diffusion-growth model equation"
M. Mimura, T. Tsujikawa, R. Kobayashi and D. Ueyama, Forma, 8, 179-195 (1993)

"An interfacial approach to regional segregation of two competing species mediated by a predator"
T. Ikeda and M. Mimura, J. Math. Biol. 31, 215-240 (1993)

"Dynamics of patterns, waves and interfaces from the reaction-diffusion aspect"
M. Mimura, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 196-211 (1992)

"Relaxation oscillations in a combustion models of thermal self-ignition"
S.-I. Ei and M. Mimura, J. Dyn. Diff. Eqs., 4, 191-229 (1992)

"A model for cellular pattern formation in Dictyostelium slug"
T. Sekimura and M. Mimura, Forma, 7, 27-37 (1992)

"Formation of band-type electric patterns in Characean cells"
M. Mimura, T. Tsujikawa and R. Kobayashi, J. Math. Biol., 30, 513-545 (1992)

"Very slow dynamics for some reaction-diffusion systems of the activator-inhibitor type"
M. Kuwamura, S.-I. Ei and M. Mimura, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 9, 35-77 (1992)

"Stability analysis of stationary solutions of bistable reaction-variable diffusion systems"
H. Ikeda and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22, 1651-1678 (1991)

"Application of invariant manifold theory to reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Proceeding of the International Symposium Functional Differential Equations, Kyoto (eds. T. Yoshizawa and J. Kato), 219-228, World Scientific (1991)

"Wave propagation and its failure in bistable reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Conference on Nonlinear Analysis (eds. F.-C. Liu and T.-P. Liu ), 185-222, World Scientific (1991)

"Coexistence in competition-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, In "Differential Equation Models in Bi ology, Epidemiology and Ecology", Lecture Notes in Biomath. (eds. S. Busenberg and M. Martelli), 92, 235-247 (1991)

"Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematics (Kyoto 1990), Math. Soc. Japan, 1627-1637, Springer-Verlag (1991)

"A free boundary problem arising in some reacting- diffusing system"
D. Hilhorst, Y. Nishiura and M. Mimura, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 118A, 335-378 (1991)

"Effect of domain-shape on coexistence problems in a competition-diffusion system"
M. Mimura, S.-I. Ei and Q. Fang, J. Math. Biol. 29, 219-237 (1991)

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1981 - 1990

"Patterns, waves and interfaces in excitable reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Reaction-Diffusion Equations, (eds. K.J. Brown and A.A. Lacey), 39-58 (1990)

"Singular limit analysis of stability of travelling wave solutions in bistable reaction-diffusion systems"
Y. Nishiura, M. Mimura, H. Ikeda and H. Fujii, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 21, 85-122 (1990)

"Pattern dynamics in excitable reaction-diffusion media"
T. Ohta and M. Mimura, Formation dynamics and statistics of patterns I (eds. K. Kawasaki et al.), World Scientific Press (1990)

"Localized cluster solutions of nonlinear degenerate diffusion equations arising in population dynamics"
Y. Hosono and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 20, 845-869 (1989)

"Higher-dimensional localized patterns in excitable media"
T. Ohta, M. Mimura and R. Kobayashi, Physica D, 34, 115-144 (1989)

"Wave-blocking phenomena in bistable reaction-diffusion systems"
H. Ikeda and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 49, 515-538 (1989)

"Transient and large time behaviors of solutions of a size-space distribution model including chemotactic aggregation℘
S.-I. Ei, M. Mimura and S. Takigawa, Japan J. Appl. Math., 6, 223-244 (1989)

"Singular perturbation approach to traveling wave solutions of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations and its application to stability problems"
H. Ikeda, M. Mimura and T. Tsujikawa, Japan J. Appl. Math. 6, 1-66 (1989)

"Layer oscillations in reaction-diffusion systems"
Y. Nishiura and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 49, 481-514 (1989)

"Pattern-dynamics in excitable reaction-diffusion systems"
M. Mimura, Biomath. and related Computational problems (ed. L.M. Ricciardi). 669-676, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1988)

"Asymptotic behavior of the interface to a certain nonlinear diffusion-advection equation"
M. Mimura and T. Nagai, Nonlinear parabolic equation: Qualitative properties of solutions (eds.L. Boccardo and A. Tesei), Pitman Research Notes in Math., 149, 156-161 (1988)

"A size-distribution model with density-dependent growth rates"
M. Mimura and S. Takigawa, Japan J. Appl. Math., 5, 33-51 (1988)

"Free boundary problems for some reaction-diffusion equations"
M. Mimura, Y. Yamada and S. Yotsutani, Hiroshima Math. J., 17, 241-280 (1987)

"Oscillation in segregation of competing populations"
M. Mimura, Y. Kan-on and Y. Nishiura, Proceedings of The Autumn Course Research Seminars Mathematical Ecology (eds. L. Gross, T. Hallam and S. Levin) 717-733, World Scientific (1987)

"Segregation structures of competing species mediated by a diffusive predator"
M. Mimura and Y. Kan-on, Lecture Notes in Biomath., 71, 123-133 (1987)

"Slow travelling wave solutions to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations"
H. Ikeda, M. Mimura and T. Tsujikawa, Recent topics in Nonlinear PDE III (eds. K. Masuda and T. Suzuki), Lecture Notes in Numer. Appl. Anal., 9, 1-73, Kinokuniya-North Holland (1987)

"Stability properties of spatially periodic solutions for a nonlinear diffusion equations integral term"
J. Satsuma and M. Mimura, Japan J. Appl. Math., 4, 59-72 (1987)

"A spatially aggregating population model involving size-distributed dynamics"
M. Mimura and S. Takigawa, Lecture notes in Biomath., 71, 134-143, Springer-Verlag (1987)

"Asymptotic behavior of the interfaces to a nonlinear degenerate diffusion equation in population dynamics"
T. Nagai and M. Mimura, Japan J. Appl. Math., 3, 129-161 (1986)

"Nonlocal advection effect on bistable reaction-diffusion equations"
M. Mimura, D. Terman and T. Tsujikawa, Pattern and Waves -Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Differential Equations-, 507-542, Kinokuniya-North Holland (1986)

"Predation-mediated coexistence and segregation structures"
M. Mimura and Y. Kan-on, Pattern and Wave -Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Differential Equations-, 129-155, Kinokuniya-North Holland (1986)

"Stability analysis for free boundary problems in ecology"
M. Mimura, Y. Yamada and S. Yotsutani, Hiroshima Math. J., 16, 477-498 (1986)

"Standing wave solutions for a Fisher type equation with a nonlocal convection"
M. Mimura and K. Ohara, Hiroshima Math. J., 16, 33-50 (1986)

"A free boundary problem in ecology"
M. Mimura, Y. Yamada and S. Yotsutani, Japan J. Appl. Math., 2, 151-186 (1985)

"On a free boundary problem in ecology"
M. Mimura, Y. Yamada and S. Yotsutani, Lecture Notes in Num. Appl. Anal., 8, 107-125 (1985)

"Transient and large time behaviors of solutions to heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equations"
S.-I. Ei and M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J., 14, 649-678 (1985)

"Exact treatment of nonlinear diffusion equations with singular integral terms"
J. Satsuma and M. Mimura, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 54, 894-900 (1984)

"Coexistence problem for two competing species models with density-dependent diffusion"
M. Mimura, Y. Nishiura, A. Tesei and T. Tsujikawa, Hiroshima Math. J., 14, 425-449 (1984)

"Spatial distribution of competing species"
M. Mimura, Lecture Notes in Biomath., 54, 492-501 (1984)

"A numerical approach to interface curves for some nonlinear diffusion equations"
T. Nakaki, K. Tomoeda and M. Mimura, Japan J. Appl. Math., 1, 93-139 (1984)

"Pattern formation in competition-diffusion systems in nonconvex domains"
H. Matano and M. Mimura, Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ., 19, 1049-1079 (1983)

"Stable spatio-temporal oscillations of diffusive Lotka-Volterra system with three or more species"
K. Kishimoto, M. Mimura and K. Yoshida, J. Math. Biol., 18, 213-221 (1983)

"Some convection-diffusion equations arising in population dynamics"
M. Mimura, Contemporary Mathematics, 17, 343-351 (1983)

"Some nonlinear degenerate diffusion equations related to population dynamics"
T. Nagai and M. Mimura, J. Math. Soc., Japan, 35, 539-562 (1983)

"Asymptotic behavior for a nonlinear degenerate diffusion equation in population dynamics"
T. Nagai and M. Mimura, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 43, 449-464 (1983)

"Numerical approximations to interface curves for a porous medium equation"
K. Tomoeda and M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J., 13, 273-294 (1983)

"Aggregation and segregation phenomena in reaction-diffusion equations"
M. Mimura, Lecture Notes in Biomath., 45, 71-82 (1982)

"Singular perturbation approach to traveling waves in competing and diffusing species models"
M. Mimura and Y. Hosono, J. Math., Kyoto Univ., 22, 435-461 (1982)

"Pattern formation in interacting and diffusing systems in population biology"
M. Mimura and M. Yamaguti, Adv. Biophys., 15, 19-65 (1982)

"A picture of global bifurcation diagram in ecological interacting and diffusing systems"
H. Fujii, M. Mimura and Y. Nishiura, Physica D, 5, 1-42 (1982)

"Stationary pattern of some density-dependent system with competitive dynamics"
M. Mimura, Hiroshima Math. J., 3. 621-635 (1981)

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1969 - 1980

"Spatial distribution of competing populations"
T. Namba and M. Mimura, J. Theor. Biol., 87, 795-814 (1980)

"Singular perturbation for pairs of two-point boundary problems of Neumann type"
M. Mimura and Y. Hosono, Lecture Notes in Numer. Appl. Anal., 2, 79-138 (1980)

"Multiple solutions of two-point boundary value problems of Neumann type with a small parameter"
M. Mimura, M. Tabata and Y. Hosono, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 11, 613-631 (1980)

"Spatial segregation in competitive interaction-diffusion equations"
M. Mimura and K. Kawasaki, J. Math. Biol., 9, 49-64 (1980)

"Asymptotic behaviors of a parabolic system related to a planktonic prey and predator model"
M. Mimura, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 37, 499-512 (1979)

"Some diffusive prey-predator systems and their bifurcation Problems"
M. Mimura, Y. Nishiura and M. Yamaguti, Annal of New York Academy of Sciences, 316, 490-510 (1979)

"Spatial patterns for an interaction-diffusion equation in morphogenesis"
M. Mimura and Y. Nishiura, J. Math. Biol., 7, 243-263 (1979)

"Spatial structures in a model substrate-inhibition reaction diffusion system"
M. Mimura and J.D. Murray, Z. Naturforsh, 33c, 580-586 (1978)

"On a diffusive prey-predator model which exhibits patchiness"
M. Mimura and J.D. Murray, J. Theor. Biol., 75, 249-262 (1978)

"On a certain semilinear parabolic system related to the Lotka-Volterra ecological model"
M. Mimura and T. Nishida, Publ. R.I.M.S. Kyoto Univ., 14, 269-282 (1978)

"A method of finite differences for solving a system of semilinear partial differential equations"
M. Yamaguti and M. Mimura, Topics in Numerical Analysis III, (eds. by J.J.H. Miller), 465-472, Academic Press (1977)

"Global solutions to the Broadwell's model of Boltzmann equations for a simple discrete velocity gas"
T. Nishida and M. Mimura, International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, Lecture Notes in Phys., 39, 408-412, Springer-Verlag, (1975)

"On the Broadwell's model for a simple discrete velocity gas"
T. Nishida and M. Mimura, Proc. Japan Academy, 50, 812-817 (1974)

"On some degenerate diffusion system related with a certain reaction system"
M. Mimura and A. Nakaoka, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 12, 95-121(1972)

"On a certain difference scheme for some semilinear diffusion system"
Y. Kametaka, M. Mimura and M. Yamaguti, Proc. Japan Academy, 47, 385-387 (1971)

"A remark on a semilinear degenerate diffusion system"
M. Mimura, Proc. Japan Academy, 45, 666-669 (1969)

"On the Cauchy problem for a simple degenerate diffusion system"
M. Mimura, Publ. R.I.M.S., Kyoto Univ., 5, 11-20 (1969)

↑ Pape Top


三村昌泰著・編,杉原厚吉,青木健一,中村和幸,高安秀樹,砂田利一, 萩原一郎,  明治大学出版会,220p, (2015.1)

三村昌泰著・編,中垣俊之,西森拓,友枝明保,高安秀樹,他, 東京大学出版会,203p, (2013.9)






↑ Pape Top


" Making an impact with mathematical sciences"
M. Mimura, K. Sugihara, I. Hagiwara, Nature, 489,7416 (2012.9)

" チューリングと自己組織化"
数学セミナー (2012.7, 19-23p)

