小川知之(明治大学・教授)Toshi OGAWA (Meiji University)
荒井迅(北海道大学理学研究院・准教授)Zin ARAI (Hokkaido University)
矢ヶ崎一幸(京都大学大学院情報学研究科・教授)Kazuyuki YAGASAKI (Kyoto University)
宮路智行(MIMS 特任講師) Tomoyuki MIYAJI (Meiji University)※注:当日はパソコンをご持参ください。講演は英語で行います。
10:30 -12:00 | Toshi OGAWA “Introduction to computational dynamical system 1” |
13:00 -14:30 | Toshi OGAWA "Introduction to computational dynamical system 2" |
14:40 -16:10 | Toshi OGAWA ““Introduction to computational dynamical system 3" |
10:30 -12:00 | Zin ARAI “Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 1" |
13:00 -14:30 | Zin ARAI “Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 2" |
14:40 -16:10 | Zin ARAI "Introduction to Global Computation for Dynamical Systems 3" |
16:20 -17:50 | Problem session |
10:30 -12:00 | Kazuyuki YAGASAKI "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 1" |
13:00 -14:30 | Kazuyuki YAGASAKI "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 2" |
14:40 -16:10 | Kazuyuki YAGASAKI "Numerical computation of homoclinic orbits and invariant manifolds by using AUTO 3" |
16:20 -17:50 | Problem session |
10:30 -12:00 | Tomoyuki MIYAJI “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 1” |
13:00 -14:30 | Tomoyuki MIYAJI “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 2” |
14:40 -16:10 | Tomoyuki MIYAJI “Introduction to interval arithmetic and its application to ODEs 3” |
16:20 -17:50 | Problem session |
Tel. 03-5343-8067, FAX. 03-5343-8068