MIMS / CMMA 自己組織化セミナー
MIMS / CMMA Seminar on Self-Organization
世話人 :末松 J. 信彦、山口智彦
日時:2024年6月25日(火) 13:30~17:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English
ハイブリッド開催 Online: Zoomオラフ カートハウス 氏 (千歳科学技術大学)
自己組織化材料科学とバイオミメティクスにとっての強力なツール大岡英史 氏 (理化学研究所)
実験・数理・機械学習による触媒反応の動力学解析西浦廉政 氏 (北海道大学、東北大学、中部大学)
丸くならないナノ微粒子末松 J. 信彦 (明治大学)
日時:2020年2月26日(水) 14:15~15:15
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室三村昌泰 氏
(広島大学 客員教授 / 明治大学 名誉教授)"Dichotomy dynamics in biological and medical problems"
MIMS初代所長で現・ MIMS 名誉フェローの三村昌泰先生にセミナーをお願いしました。
https://www.merriam webster.com/
1: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities
// the dichotomy between theory and practice
also :the process or practice of making such a division
// dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes
2: something with seemingly contradictory qualities
// it's a dichotomy, this opulent Ritz style luxury in a place that fronts on a boat
harbor Jean T. Barrett
3: the phase of the moon or an inferior planet in which half its disk appears illuminated
especially repeated bifurcation (as of a plant's stem)
b: a system of branching in which the main axis forks repeatedly into two branches
c: branching of an ancestral line into two equal diverging branches
日時:2020年2月26日(水) 13:00~14:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in English島 弘幸 氏
(山梨大学 大学院総合研究部)自然の造形美を科学する ―天然周期パターンの形成機構
「不思議な自然風景に目を奪われた・・・ 」そんな経験、誰でも一度はあると思います。 たとえば、沖縄県久米島の海岸沿いに広がる「畳石」。巨大な六角形の岩が隙間なく敷き詰められた様相は、自然物とは思えないほど秩序高く、その不思議は観る者を圧倒します。本講演では、こうした自然形成される空間周期パターンの例石灰華段・竹の節・そろばん路面などを複数とりあげ、その形成メカニズムと数理構造に迫ります。
日時:2019年12月3日(火) 16:00~17:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishIstván Lagzi 氏
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)Self assembly of nanoparticles: Existence of a precipitation threshold in the electrostatic precipitation of oppositely charged nanoparticles
Oppositely charged nanoparticles precipitate rapidly only at the point of electroneutrality, wherein their charges are macroscopically compensated. In my talk, I will present results on the aggregation and precipitation of oppositely charged nanoparticles at concentrations ranging from 10 to 10 3 mM (based on gold atoms) by using UV Vis measurements. We employed solutions of equally sized 4 6 nm) gold nanoparticles, which were functionalized and stabilized with either positively or with negatively charged alkanethiols. Results showed that oppositely charged nanoparticles do not precipitate if their concentration is below a certain threshold even if the electroneutrality condition is fulfilled. This finding suggests a universal behavior of chemical systems comprising oppositely charged building blocks such as ions and charged nanoparticles.
日時:2019年12月2日(月) 15:00~16:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in English白石允梓 氏
アリはコロニーと呼ばれる集団生活を維持するに 巣の清掃行動 食料確保や 幼虫 ・ 卵の世話など多様な仕事が行う必要がある 。 そして 必要とされる様々な 活動は一個体が担うには多過ぎ 多種多様な役割を分業し労働量を分配するこ とが必要になる 。 ここで注目すべきは アリのコロニーに中央指示系統がないた めに 「 働きアリ 」 と呼ばれる各個体が状況に合わせて行うべき行動を自律的に選 択する 「 分業 」 をすることで可能になっていることである 。 我々はアリの各個体の 活動量 巣の出入り を長期間観測し労働量がコロニーの中でどのように分配さ れているかを明らかにしてきた 。 その結果 時間的に一緒に行動するグループ 行動ともいえる時間的構造が 個体の活動量の時間スケールからは現れ得な い長期間維持されることを示した 。 また 巣内での活動量の空間的な分配にも 活動量の統計的な差が現れたことが示されていたことを紹介する 。
日時:2019年11月26日(火) 16:00~17:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishMichael I. Tribelsky 氏
(M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)Non-Steady Resonant Wave Scattering by Small Particles
A survey of the recent results of the author in the unsteady high-Q resonant scattering of ultrashort pulses by a particle, whose size is comparable or smaller than the wavelength of the incident radiation at the carrier frequency is presented. It is shown that the unsteadiness of the scattering process may result in qualitative changes in the manifestation of the phenomenon both in the near-field and in far-field wave zones. Most attention is paid to the dynamics of the nonradiating anapole modes and dynamic Fano resonances, which are discussed in detail. Simple, analytically tractable models of driven coupled oscillators are proposed to describe the transient processes. Their comparison with the results of the direct numerical integration of the complete set of the Maxwell equations shows that the models exhibit high accuracy in the quantitative description of the phenomenon.
The financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 17-02-00401) and the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 19-72-30012) is acknowledged.
日時:2019年9月30日(月) 17:00~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English山田恭史 氏
コウモリは進化の過程において,聴覚機構を高度に発達させることでエコーロケーション能力を獲得してきた.彼らは,口または鼻から超音波パルスを放射し,周囲からの反響音を両耳で聴取・分析することで空間把握を実現させている.またこれだけでなく,コウモリはセンシングと飛行運動制御の高度な協調により,アットランダムに飛翔する他のコウモリの回避や獲物昆虫の追尾など,卓越した3次元ナビゲーションを実現させている.特に,シンプルデザインな彼らのセンシングの“工夫”や“意思決定プロセス”を解き明かすことができれば,センサフュージョン技術が先行する工学ナビゲーションの設計思想にブレークスルーを与えることが期待される.本講演ではまず,コウモリの超音波ナビゲーションにおけるユニークな音の使い方のふるまいについて動態音響計測に基づく研究例を紹介する.次に,コウモリの音響ナビゲーションに基づく数理モデルの構築から,彼らのセンシングの有用性について工学実機検 証を行った研究例を紹介する.
日時:2019年7月22日(月) 18:30~19:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English伴野太祐 氏
日時:2019年6月19日(水) 15:30~16:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English西森 拓 氏
----アリの巧妙な社会分業の仕組みを行動実験と 数理モデルで解明する---Abstract:
日時:2019年2月20日(水) 11:00~12:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English秋山正和 氏
日時:2018年2月10日(土) 16:00~17:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishRobert Sinclair 氏
(沖縄科学技術大学院大学 OIST)Viral Dark Matter: Mathematical Aspects
Emerging viruses, such as SARS or MERS, can appear to come from “nowhere”. Our failure to see them coming can be due to a lack of data, or it can be due to an inability to decipher data. “Viral Dark Matter” refers to viral data, usually sequence data, which cannot be analysed using any standard method. As more data becomes available, it becomes clearer that we lack effective methods of analysis. In this seminar, I will present one mathematical approach to this problem, which allows us to discard 25% of raw data and focus on the remainder. The approach is based upon discrete mathematics, and, in order that it can be useful, makes use of ideas usually associated with mathematical logic. I hope to convince all those present that mathematics can contribute significantly to this important data analysis problem, and that the claim, that big data implies the end of theory, is incorrect. As more data becomes available, I believe the need for rigorous mathematics will increase!
日時:2017年4月25日(火) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English平岡喬之 氏
Collective Dynamics of Repulsive Self-Propelled ParticleAbstract:
微生物や生体細胞から、魚、鳥、哺乳類のような動物に至るまで、生物界において協同的な集団運動(いわゆる「群れ」)は幅広いスケールで見られる。こうした集団運動の数理モデルについて、たとえばReynolds[1]は、“boid”と呼ばれるモデル化された個体間に衝突回避、配向、凝集の3つの相互作用を 考えることによって、鳥の群れの動きをもっともらしく再現できるとした。また、Vicsek et al. [2]が提案した、強磁性的な相互作用をしながら運動する自己駆動粒子のモデルは、その性質が詳細に調べられ、無秩序相から長距離秩序相への転移と巨大な密度ゆらぎを示すことが知られている[3,4]。一方、現実の系では要素間の相互作用は複雑かつ多様であるが、どのような相互作用が群れ運動の性質にどのように寄与するかいまだ体系的に調べられていない。われわれはboid模型の3つの相互作用のうち、衝突回避すなわち斥力のみを考える単純な自己駆動粒子の多体系のふるまいを数値シミュレーションによって調べた。その結果、粒子の向きが自発的に揃う秩序化と巨大な密度ゆらぎが現れることを発見した。また、粒子の内部変数を制御することにより、この系が核生成過程をともなう吸収状態への一次転移を示すことを示した[5]。[1] C.W. Reynolds, ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 21, 25 (1987).
[2] T. Vicsek et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1226 (1995).
[3] J. Toner and Y. Tu, Phys. Rev. E 58, 4828 (1998).
[4] G. Grégoire and H. Chaté, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 025702 (2004).
[5] T. Hiraoka, T. Shimada, and N. Ito, Phys. Rev. E 94, 62612 (2016).
日時:2017年2月17日(金) 13:30~14:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishYong Jung Kim 氏 (KAIST/NIMS, Korea)
Finite time extinction and optimal selection
In the talk we will discuss that, if a Lotka-Volterra type predator-prey model contains extinction property locally in space, the model may explain rich dynamics of predator-prey relation. On the other hand, we will see that, if a Lotka-Volterra type competition model has optimal selection property on resources, it may explain interesting phenomena of competition.
日時:2017年2月9日(木) 15:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English15:30~16:20 Jan Elias 氏 (Paris-Sud Univ., France)
On a Reaction-Diffusion-ODE Model for Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers
In this talk we summarize our theoretical knowledge of a newly proposed reaction-diffusion-ODE system for the spreading of farmers into a region occupied by hunter-gatherers. We will address mathematical problems of existence and uniqueness of solutions, large time behavior and a singular limit problem.
16:30~17:20 Danielle Hilhorst 氏(CNRS/Paris-Sud Univ., France)
Dispersal towards Food: The Singular Limit of an Allen-Cahn equation
The effect of dispersal under heterogeneous environment is studied in terms of the singular limit of an Allen-Cahn equation. Since biological organisms often slowdown their dispersal if food is abundant, a food metric diffusion is taken to include such a phenomenon. The migration effect of the problem is approximated by a mean curvature flow after taking the singular limit which now includes an advection term produced by the spatial heterogeneity of food distribution. It is shown that the interface moves towards a local maximum of the food distribution. In other words, the dispersal taken in the paper is not a trivialization process anymore, but an aggregation one towards food.
日時:2016年5月17日(火) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishYasumasa Nishiura 氏
(WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
Pulse Generators
Heterogeneity is one of the most important and ubiquitous types of external perturbations. We study a spontaneous pulse-generating mechanism in an excitable medium with jump-type heterogeneity. Such a pulse generator (PG) has attracted considerable interest due to the computational potential of pulse waves in physiological signal processing. We first investigate the conditions for the onset of robust-type PGs, and then we show the global bifurcation structure of heterogeneity-induced patterns, including the complex ordered sequence of pulse-generating manners. We devise numerical frameworks to trace the long-term behavior of PGs as periodic solutions, and we detect the associated terminal homoclinic orbits that are homoclinic to a special type of heterogeneity-induced ordered pattern with a hyperbolic saddle. These numerical approaches assist us in identifying a candidate for the organizing center, and producing a variety of PGs as a codimension-two gluing bifurcation in which two homoclinic trajectories associated with pulse emission and breathing motions form a butterfly configuration.
日時:2016年3月17日(木) 14:00~16:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishSelf-Organization in Colloid and Interface Sciences
Zoltán Rácz 氏(Eötvös University)
Formation of helicoidal precipitation patterns: experiments and
theoretical attemptsKenta Odagiri 氏(Senshu University)
Aggregation dynamics in two different chemotactic modelsYuki Koyano 氏(Chiba University)
Motion of a camphor particle in a two-dimensional circular regionIstván Lagzi 氏(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Self-assembly of colloids into precipitation waves
日時:2016年1月28日(木) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishDanielle Hilhorst 氏
(Paris-Sud University)
On the nonlocal Allen-Cahn equation
日時:2016年1月12日(火) 17:00~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室3
Campus map: in Japanese in English山崎義弘 氏
日時:2015年11月17日(火) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in English時田恵一郎 氏
日時:2015年10月19日(月) 10:30~16:40
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishTraveling Waves arising in 3-Component Reaction-Diffusion Systems
10:30~11:20 Petrus van Heijster 氏(Queensland University)
Localised structures in a three-component FitzHugh-Nagumo
system13:30~14:20 Kei Nishi 氏(Hokkaido University)
Pulse dynamics in a bistable reaction-diffusion system with
heterogeneity14:30~15:20 Osman Gani 氏(Jahangirnagar University)
Stability of periodic traveling waves in the Aliev-Panfilov RD
system of cardiac excitation15:50~16:40 Hideo Ikeda 氏(University of Toyama)
Existence and stability of a standing spot solution in 3-component
FitzHugh-Nagumo systems
日時:2015年9月12日(土) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in English井倉弓彦 氏
樟脳由来の自己駆動素子の環状水路上で の集団運動に対する実験的・数理的考察
日時:2015年6月26日(金) 16:30~18:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 603研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in Englishプログラム
16:30-17:00 杉原厚吉 氏(明治大学・先端数理科学インスティテュート)
17:05-17:20 三村昌泰 氏(明治大学・先端数理科学インスティテュート)
17:30-17:50三池秀敏 氏(山口大学・大学研究推進機構)
17:55-18:25 長 篤志 氏(山口大学・大学院理工学研究科)
「FitzHugh-Nagumo 方程式による視覚の時間周波数特性の再現とモーションシャープニング現象」
日時:2015年4月23日(木) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishStephen Morris 氏
(University of Toronto)
Rippled Icicle Shapes
Icicles are harmless and picturesque winter phenomena, familiar to anyone who lives in a cold climate. The shape of an icicle emerges from a subtle feedback between ice formation, which is controlled by the release of latent heat, and the flow of water over the evolving shape. The water flow, in turn, determines how the heat flows. The air around the icicle is also flowing, and all forms of heat transfer are active in the air. Ideal icicles are predicted to have a universal "platonic" shape, independent of growing conditions. In addition, many natural icicles exhibit a ripply shape, which is the result of a morphological instability. The wavelength of the ripples is also remarkably independent of the growing conditions. Similar shape and ripple phenomena are also observed on stalactites, although certain details of their formation differ. We built a laboratory icicle growing machine to explore icicle physics. We learned what it takes to make a platonic icicle and the surprising origin of the ripples.
Work done with Antony Szu-Han Chen.
日時:2015年1月16日(金) 15:30~16:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishTatsunari Sakurai 氏
(Chiba University)
Propagation and aggregation of E. coli pattern
For living microorganism, cells are working as smart artificial swimming devices at the microscale. For example, an individual E. coli has an ability of the motility, and shows us very beautiful pattern formation [1]. Some mathematical model revealed the secrets of the self-organized pattern by using growth-diffusion-chemotaxis models [2, 3, 4]. We are interested in the relation between the motility of individual E. coli and its macroscopic order. And a growth-diffusion-chemotaxis model was reproduced. We would like to discuss our experimental and numerical results in this seminar.
日時:2015年1月14日(水) 14:40~15:40
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishAndrea Tosin 氏
(Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone", Italy)
Microscopic, macroscopic: comparison and multiscale coupling
In this talk we will consider dynamical models for systems of interacting particles formulated in terms of differential equations at two different scales: ordinary differential equations for the microscopic scale, at which particles are represented singularly, and partial differential equations for the macroscopic scale, at which particles are assimilated to a continuum with density. We will give analytical details concerning the similarities and differences between these two scales and we will discuss some of their possible couplings in a multiscale perspective. The motivating applications are especially human crowds and cell colonies.
組織委員:池田幸太、上山大信、小川知之、末松 J. 信彦明治非線型数理セミナー
世話人:物部治憲 (明治大学)
日時:2015年1月14日(水) 13:30~14:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishGuy Theraulaz 氏
(Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Secrets of swarm architecture: 3D stigmergic construction in ant colonies
One of the most famous feats of insect societies is their ability to build impressive nest architectures. The evolution of construction techniques used by ants, wasps, bees and termites has provided a whole set of innovations in terms of architectural designs that proved to be efficient to control nest temperature, to ensure gas exchanges with the outside environment or to adapt nest architecture to colony size. The big question is: how do insects interact to coordinate their building actions? To investigate these issues, we focused on the early stages of nest construction in the garden ant Lasius niger. We disentangled the coordinating mechanisms at work and then developed a 3D model implementing these mechanisms. Our model showed that the evaporation rate of a building pheromone was a highly influential parameter. The model also revealed that complex helicoidal structures connecting nearby chambers emerge from a constant remodeling process of the nest architecture.
組織委員:池田幸太、上山大信、小川知之、末松 J. 信彦明治非線型数理セミナー
世話人:物部治憲 (明治大学)
日時:2014年9月17日(水) 17:00~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishBertrand Roehner 氏
(University of Paris 6, France)
How can one measure the interaction strength in systems of living organisms?
For any system, one of its most crucial characteristics is the strength of the interaction which binds together its elements. From an ideal gas where gas molecules have very rare and short-range interactions, to a family or to the brain where the neurones have permanent long-range interactions, there is broad range of cases. A key-problem is how to measure the strength and range of the interaction because these two characteristics deeply affect the properties of the system. So far, this problem is largely unsolved. In this talk, for reasons that I will explain, I will focus on populations of insects and of micro-organisms. For most of these systems we do not even know whether there is an interaction or not. For instance, for a population of male drosophila or of euglenas (a green micro-organism) what test can we use to determine if there is an interaction? This raises also the question of genuine versus spurious interactions. Two types of spurious interactions will be described: the hydrodynamical imitation effect and the side-walk effect. Usually observation of a collective behavior is evidence of an interaction. I will describe two cases: the clustering of ants and the formation of networks of euglenas. But here too one must distinguish between genuine collective behavior (meaning that it really implies an interaction) and spurious collective behavior due to an external factor.
日時:2014年7月8日(火) 16:30~17:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in English池田榮雄 氏
3成分FitzHugh-Nagumo方程式系の空間2 次元スポット解の安定性
Stability of standing planar spot solutions in three-component FitzHugh-Nagumo systemsAbstract:
Various localized planar patterns are observed in many reaction-diffusion systems. Especially, two-component systems are well studied so far and several mathematical results are obtained. But, even if such stationary localized planar solutions (stationary spot solutions) exist stably, one do not get stable traveling spot solutions which are bifurcated from stationary spot solutions. This implies that such traveling spot solutions seem to be unstable in two-component systems if they exist. In this talk, we will show the existence of stationary spot solutions and the stability properties of them in three-component FitzHugh-Nagumo systems and consider the possibility of the supercritical drift bifurcation. Note that these results are already obtained by Heijster and Sandstede via the formal analysis (Physica D 275(2014),19-34).
日時:2014年5月23日(金) 17:30~18:30
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in English古谷将彦 氏
Phyllotaxis and auxin flow in plantsAbstract:
In higher plants, leaves and flowers are arranged around stems at a particular angle with each other. The pattern exhibited by organs is called phyllotaxis. Many botanists and mathematicians have been fascinated by phyllotaxis and tried to understand the principle behind this dynamical geometric system. Various mathematical models have been proposed and a number of experimental data accumulated. Recently, molecular biological approaches reveal the importance of phytohormone auxin flow in phyllotaxis. We took an experimental approach to investigate the role of auxin flow in organ formation. As a result, we identified several key genes in this pathway and uncovered their molecular functions. Based on our data, we are now beginning the construction of a mathematical model to explain the principle of auxin-regulated organ formation. In this talk, our recent findings will be presented and the possibility of our ongoing model will be discussed compared to previous ones.
日時:2013年8月29日(木) 16:30~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishDr. IstvánLagzi
(Research Associate Professor, EötvösUniversity)
Chemical computing: solving mathematical problems with chemistry and Liesegangpatterns: helicoids and particle size dependence
In the first part of the talk, several unconventional chemical computing algorithms will be presented and discussed, which can be successfully used to solve mathematical problems such as finding the shortest path in a maze or solving the “weakest” form of the traveling salesman problem. In the second part, the investigation of helical and helicoidalprecipitation patterns emerging in the wake of reaction-diffusion fronts will be presented. In our experiments, these chiral structures arise with well-defined probabilities (P) controlled by conditions (e.g., the initial concentration of the reagents). We developed a model, which describes the observed experimental trends. The results suggest that P is determined by a delicateinterplay among the time and length scales related to the frontand to the unstable precipitation modes and, furthermore, wefound that the noise amplitude also plays a quantifiable role.Finally, a new method will be presented to rationally designmicro-and nanoparticles using reaction-diffusion processes.
日時:2013年7月26日(金) 16:00~17:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in English並河 英紀 氏 (山形大学)
化学から見た非線形反応の魅力 ‐物質輸送・物質操作・物質創成‐
我々化学者が通常取り扱う化学反応の多くは線形反応である。しかしながら、 生物も含めて自然界においては非線形化学反応を含む数多くの非線形現象を見ることができる。自然が非線形現象を利用するには必ず理由があるはずで あり、その一つ側面は非線形性からもたらされる魅力的な機能性にあると思う。講演では、我々の研究室がこれまでに着目してきた非線形反応の魅力的な 機能性とその応用可能性について、実験化学的視点から幾つかの例について説明する。
日時:2013年7月19日(金) 17:00~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in EnglishDr. Chandrasekhar Venkataraman (The University of Sussex)
Modelling and simulation of biological pattern formation on evolving surfaces
We investigate models for biological pattern formation via reaction-diffusion systems posed on evolving surfaces. The nonlinear reaction kinetics inherent in the models and the evolution of the surface mean that analytical solutions are generally unavailable and numerical simulations are necessary. In the first part of the talk, we examine the feasibility of reaction-diffusion systems to model the process of parr mark pattern formation on the skin surface of the Amago trout. We present a Lagrangian finite element method to simulate a reaction-diffusion system on growing surfaces of differing mean curvature and we show that the geometry of the surface, specifically the surface curvature, plays a central role in the patterns generated by a reaction-diffusion mechanism. We conclude that the curvilinear geometry that characterizes fish skin should be taken into account in future modelling endeavours. In the second part of the talk, we propose a framework to model and simulate cell motility. The cell membrane dynamics is governed by a geometric evolution law accounting for its mechanical properties. For the polarisation of the cell we postulate a reaction-diffusion system for species located on the moving cell membrane. Protrusion is then achieved by back-coupling these surface quantities to the geometric equation for the membrane position. The numerical method to approximate the general model is based on surface finite elements for both the geometric equation and the surface equations. We demonstrate the versatility of this approach to describe different types of motion such as pseudopod driven chemotaxis as, for instance, featured by neutrophil cells, and the persistent motion of fish epithelial keratocytes.
日時:2013年7月5日(金) 17:00~18:00
会場:明治大学中野キャンパス 6階 研究セミナー室 3
Campus map: in Japanese in English佐野雅己 氏 (東京大学)